Grace Blockchain Closed Loop Model

Consensus mechanism of Grace Blockchain allows users to earn rewards and rights for validating a transaction, merging blocks by staking coins.

GRACE CONNECT APP is functioning on a native blockchain network.

GRACE Blockchain is the native blockchain of our ecosystem supporting smooth and flawless integration and workflow of the GRACE NET, which is the main engine for the GRACE CONNECT APP supported and economically sustained by native GRACE token. This model provides native blockchain Closed Loop.

Why GRACE Blockchain?

High transaction fees (gas) on the Ethereum network.

High energy consumption of existing blockchain networks (for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum).

Low stability and frequent errors in next-generation blockchain systems (for example, Solana).


Based on DPoS and classic Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) protocols.The consensus is achieved when the verified block figure matches the final associated blocks to synchronise the distributed ledger and prevent errors.

Interaction of nodes via GRACE NET protocol and HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Hardware requirements: Linux-based OS, 128 GB RAM, 8-core processor, 1 TB SSD.

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